
Ah Po was cooking in the kitchen. Cayson then said to her, ”Ah Po 我 shh shh 了 .. ”

Ah Po hurried over to help, only to realise that he has already pulled his pants down , peed and wore his pants back. That’s a real milestone moment!

Then two days later i.e. today,  he did the same for pooping as well. Hope he gets toilet trained completely before his third birthday! Will save a lot of diapers and save the Earth!


We were just lying on the bed talking , he saw his tummy protruding . He patted it and said “fat fat ... like Ah Gong .., cannot squeeze it”. I rolled over laughing. 


Most Fridays, we would go out of the house for some drinks with friends and usually we won’t bring Cayson but he has since detected this trend. Yesterday, Ah Pa tried to ask him to go buy bread for Cayen , he refused. He told Ah Pa,  “ I love you very much Ah Pa .. can you bring me..?” This is when it’s not clear that we are going out. Needless to say, with this type of emotional blackmail, he got his night out too. 

Notice his double stars for pooping right ... 


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