Toilet training

For all his eloquence since a tender age , he is unable to reliably indicate his desire to go to toilet even till now. Not sure if he's purposely teasing or he still can't do it yet.

Initially it was showing early signs of success in his own school (as teacher was trying to teach him) but this took a backseat after he changed school early this year as we had other problems to deal with.

Recently, we reactivated our efforts to toilet train him again and basically , he will get two stickers for peeing and ten stickers for pooping. And he has been earning more stickers of late though unlike other kids, he has shown more success peeing than pooping. 

And he usually likes to stand and poop in a specific corner in the living room .. So I am training him to sit and hold on to the table for support and strength instead. 

Hope that the days of diapers will be over soon ! 


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