Cayen and eating

Cayen is a kid who loves to eat .. And he especially loves fruits and anything yummy.

Since young, ie from 6 months onwards , we have been very careful with what we feed him. No salt , no sweet stuff and certainly no adult food. So while we exposed him to a variety of fruits, we have limited him to a rather bland diet of cereals and porridges and he was a healthy water throughout, at least till 1 year old.

Since then, we have been much more liberal and chicken rice and not-too-sweet cakes were also permissive in his diet. Then we noticed the change. He is now showing distinct preferences. He can self feed chicken rice fairly well but he would take double the effort for the usual pork or fish porridge. Just last Sunday, he demonstrated how he preferred the sweet raspberry to the sour strawberry (though I was amazed how he could even distinguish between the two fruits to start with, since  I had already chopped them up ). 

Summary : if you wanna have an easier time weaning and feeding , start and stay with the bland diet for as long as you can. Once they taste the salt and the sugar, there's no turning back. This applies for fruits as well. Start with pear and apple before the banana and the orange.. 


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