Very adult things to say

C: 谢谢你阿爸,我喜欢做你的儿子 ..

C found my lozenges lying around and he said, "阿妈,为什么你的药没有收好,没有绑起来,被我找到,我很生气!” (and he knocks on my toilet door and kept repeating 我很生气)

On the phone with Godma..

C: I put the cake in the box . Do you want to come and eat ? 

C: Ah pa, you never reuse, reduce and recycle. Naughty Ah pa ! 

Ma: do you love me?
(No response)
Ma: do you love me?
(No response)
Ma: boohoo.. Mama is sad. You never answer me. 
C: I am eating raisin .. I cannot speak . 

He's up to his usual mischief again and he tried to overturn his milk bottle on the bed. I immediately swooped the bottle up and thankfully not a drop spilled. 
I exclaimed,"幸好妈妈反应快..”

Later on , he did it again Ah Pa turned his back. And Ah Pa didn't manage to stop him. Then he exclaimed , "阿爸反应慢!

Ah Pa asked , ”为什么?”

C: 阿妈看到就拿走了!


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