Reading surprises

Recent reading incidents that surprised us in Dec 16 : 

1. He read out the options on the menu: 
Soup, spicy, dry 
Fish soup 

2. In the cab:
Don't leave your iPhone and wallet behind (I suspect he memorised it Cox it's Handphone, not iPhone) 

Ride - Tap - Earn (after I told him months back) 

3. Along the highway on CTE 
C: are we going to Changi Airport ?
Me: how do you know?
C: it's there (points to the signboard) 

Me: It's around 500+
C: oh, that's near 600. 
(Didn't see that coming)

Anyway, tips to encourage kids to read without flash cards. 
- teach them signs and decals you can find in the taxi / car or road signs (you can keep them still too)
- when waiting for meals, read menus. Find games to play like counting the number of symbols etc ("not available", chicken, vegetables, etc)
- when doing night time reading, point to the words as you read , and invite them to join in the reading (I.e. read the bigger words or words in bold) 


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