
Showing posts from November, 2015

First squabble

Cayen was playing with my phone, so Godma took over and tried to keep it. He went and pinched her. Godma responded with a swift slap on his hand.  Cayen: I don't like you. I don't love you anymore! You go home, you are not Godma. I don't want you in my house.  Godma: fine , I will not let you go to my house. I will not bring you to bookshop , to parties, buy you gag .. and this is not your house, it is Ah Ma and Ah pa's house. Next time I come, I will ignore you. This sort of exchange repeated for a few times.  And then they all parted ways.  The next day, we had dinner and tried to see if things would patch up.  We put Cayen besides Godma and immediately he said, "I don't want Godma to sit here"  The Cold War continued over dinner with  each sneaking glances occasionally but neither giving in .. One refuses to do without an official apology and the other refusing to give one. Sometimes it's really hard to remember ...

Happy birthday Ah Zhang

We asked CAYEN to get ready to wish Ah Zhang happy birthday . Then We tried to call him to wish him happy birthday but to no success.  Ah Pa muttered that Ah Zhang might be sleeping already.  Cayen replied matter of factly , "Ah Zhang has no party liao .." Ha.

Delinquent behaviour

I called back to check on him. Me: 你有乖吗? C said matter of factly, " 我打人,推人, 咬人 ..." Me: 这么不乖,我不可以给你礼物咯. 你要不要礼物? C:要! 阿妈,I promise you. 我会乖了。you listen to me, I listen to you .. Me: ok, be good tomorrow.  C:bye bye  Behavioural problems are continuing.. Teachers can't seem to control him and he's continuing to reply that "anyway he's changing school already ".   Anyone has solutions, please let me know. 

37 months

He's one big fan of the Sheng Shiong show ... The only program that he will sit down and watch the entire show. He likes the kids' performance , guess which is the winning character and will also mimic the games they play in his own make belief games like using chopsticks to pick up things and 红白配. What a teletubby.  But one of the things to alleviate the perils of watching TV is to talk to him about the contents of the show so he's also learning as he's watching.  Anyway , we went to school for meet the parents session today. Apparently he has no problem focusing in class or with languages. He likes maths and reading and is particularly eloquent and expressive so the teachers like him despite he is quite mischievous. But a common feedback was that he's tireless and very active , so they would adapt the schedule so there's something for him to do in late afternoon as well (else he will find his own things to do I.e up to no good). And he sometimes don't foll...