Made up stories - deciduous

As you know, I like to spin stories during bedtime reading in request to his request for more stories even after I off the lights. Today was no exception. Given the cold weather after the rains, I decided that the theme would be seasons. And so my story goes: Once upon a time, there's an Ant and Grasshopper who like four seasons. This is because they like to see the leaves change colour and the temperature change. For instance, in Summer, the leaves will be green and in Autumn they will turn yellow or orange. In winter, they will all drop off.. "Yes, these are deciduous trees, not evergreen trees , " he interrupted . I was surprised. Deciduous ? Haven't heard this word since Geography class in secondary school, "where did you learn it from?" "FasTrack.. (This is one of his classes)," he replied, sounding very bored as if I should know. This is really very fast track I think. Looks like my fictional stories better be as fact ...