
Showing posts from December, 2022

Cayen first overnight camp

I think I’m starting to have an inkling on what tough it will be to send my boys off to army in future. Sending him to a 4 night camp was already quite a daunting experience.  I was worried for him on so many fronts. How would he wake up in the morning if he couldn’t hear the alarm? How would he get along with three stranger roommates? How would he work in a big team for the hackathon when he’s amongst the youngest in the camp at 10 years (think the age range is from 10-18). How would he handle the laptop, iPad and iPhone without losing them? Would he know how to sign on to wifi? Lots of questions on my mind.  Well, here was how the days went last week :  Tuesday After our breakfast together, we went him off to D resort where all the kids will be staying. They will be ferried to NUS on a daily basis thereafter for their activities. I gave him a quick low down on how to use the phone and WhatsApp just in case since he doesn’t have a phone and only used it to play games....