Kids absorb more things than you think

Cayen always surprises me with the things he picked up with only 1 mention. On Sunday, I overheard my godson saying "Haha" at the right juncture when we sing the song "dang wo men tong zai yi qi" .. so I just casually sang the song to Cayen a few times and tried to get him to say "Haha". He didn't say the word at the right juncture but he managed to  pronounce "Haha" when prompted.

So I didn't think too much about it yesterday but out of fun today, I decided to sing the song to him and paused at a certain juncture to elicit his "Haha" not expecting anything,  but he actually said "Haha" when I paused! So he remembered the song and the "Haha" sound.  

Then we were watching TV together and I saw a chicken. So I asked him a chicken lay an .....? He loudly proclaimed "Egg!" and again I was astonished. I recalled telling him a few times earlier about this relationship when he picked up the word Egg a few weeks ago but have never used this reference again since then. So again, I was astonished by how he remembered my passing comment about a chicken laying an egg. 

And now, with his Godma's constant teaching, he is able to complete the sentence "in the light of the hmmm , a little egg lay on the leaf. The sun came up and .." Hmm stands for moon by the way. He can't do the Moo sound, but he can say Woo... (strange).

I am not sure how he knew all these but I suspect the constant reading that we do might have finally rubbed off. Or perhaps it's the fish oil talking. Anyway, I think the trick to pick up correlations & associations is to start with the sounds that he can already make. So if he can say Egg, then we teach a "chicken lay an egg". When he can say Up, we will teach "come up" & also "down".  


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