Now with kids , spontaneity (for adult outings) is hard to come by as one needs to consider the babysitting arrangements etc. However, over this long weekend, I realised that spontaneity for family outings can be quite possible and most fun too! On Saturday, we woke up at 8 plus am per Cayen's bio clock and was toying with the usual question ? What to eat for breakfast. Usually it's between going to the wet market or hawker centre for some local food or some brunch grub. At 10.05am, we were still grappling over the breakfast issue when suddenly someone thought of a movie. Yes, a movie sounds good! So for which timing? 10.30am, 1.30pm or 3.30pm? Nearest cinema is Plaza Sing. Intuitively, I wanted to go for 10.30am as it means that we could probably eat breakfast over entertainment and we can maximise our time since we had nothing to do then. So we grabbed our stuff, dressed the baby and managed to get our seated at 10.40am, just before the sho...