Hokkien dictionary

I am going to try list down all the Hokkien words that Cayen has mastered and in order of sequence as far as possible. Will use hanyu pinyin format or nearest sounding word to describe the sounds  : 

1. Mai3 (买):No (this is his all time favourite word , and what led to his teacher thinking that he only understand Hokkien) 

2. Bo2: Don't have (usually pronounced as Mo2 by cayen for some reason ... Usually used when he can't find something or see the moon or fireworks) 

3. Ah Bur4: Not yet (usually mimicking us when we say we haven't done this and that) 

4. Jiak4: Eat 

5. Giak4: Michievious (what he gleefully retorts when he's labelled Giak4) 

6. Swa4 : So be it! (this is useful for adults when faced with many Mai3 from Cayen. And usually he will retort swa4 too) 

7. Ai3: want (strange how yes always takes much longer than no, in every language) 

8. Ai3 jing2 (爱情): love (this is from the sitcom theme song)

9. Sio1: Hot ! (When milk is too hot) *new word today!* 


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