Sleep routine

Cayen doesn't like to sleep so night routine is very long and tedious as it involves reading excessively , up to 1-1.5 hour on a bad day. Worse still, in the last two months , he has gotten back to the habit of waking up at night to look for grandma. Sometimes he woke up as he had a bad dream - usually he would be shouting for someone not to take his food or things (I wonder what's going on in school?!) and then he would look for grandma. Some days, he just opened the door, walked in the dark to grandma's room. 

Sometimes it happens once a night , sometimes 2-3 times. Needless to say, we are like the walking dead as we have to wake up to work at 6 + am every day. 

This week, we tried to get him to sleep earlier - apparently that's quite key in becoming taller. And today , he slept at 10.20pm, and this was how the process went .. 

9.25pm: Ah Pa started reading 

10.10pm: Cayen finally looked a bit sleepy (I sneaked up to my bed)

10.11pm: cayen said "阿妈看我” and so I did .. I looked down and he smiled back, contended .. And went back to trying to sleep

10.14pm: cayen started again "阿妈换屁屁” (change diaper) 

Oops, we forgot to change diapers. Thankfully he reminded us. 

After changing diapers, he refused to put on his pants 

"穿很久了,臭臭”(wore it for too long, smelly)

Really? ? It couldn't be more than 2 hours . I pretended to spray some perfume on it but he still refused to put it on. Fine, I changed to another pair. That was not worth the fight. 

Finally, all's quiet at 10.20pm. 

Let's hope he can sleep through the night. Wish us luck. 


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