His first piano recital

Cayen looks forward to piano lesson every week. Perhaps it's because he enjoys the song and dance and a little bit of piano playing. He likes it so much he would willingly walk from our home to the lesson on his own (without asking to be carried). Perhaps it's because we never ask him to practise intra week. As such, piano lessons are always fun.

All was well until I learned that there's a end of term concert ! And he could hardly complete a song without playing wilfully. And suddenly one week was the rehearsal and the following week the concert. Thankfully during the rehearsal, it was the teacher's birthday and hence, there's a chocolate cake. Just before he played, I told him that he would get two "good" chops and a piece of cake. Miraculously, he played the song perfectly without a pause (though he used the wrong fingers). The power of the chocolate cake! 

Then, for the next one week, we tried to get him to practice .. 临时抱佛脚... 

A few days before actual recital

The night before recital ( gone case we think) 

The actual recital 

On the actual concert day which was today, I went prepared with a tin of cheese sticks, colouring books (to keep him occupied as we waited for the various players before him to complete). And it was a good move as the boys started fidgeting after half an hour.  

And Cayen started asking loudly,  "why cross ?" while other kids were playing.  (Concert venue was in a Christian school hence, there's a lot of images of the cross. 

When his turn finally came, he started playing and it was looking hopeful. Then he suddenly turned to me midway and asked, " why is that small chair there?" He was referring to the small stool behind him. I tried to dismiss that question but he just kept asking. Finally, after what felt like eternity, he continued his Mulberry Bush song and managed to finish. 

Then, when it was Weijie's turn to play , he saw that I was using the microphone to make the announcement (I was the mini emcee), he tried to snatch the mic from me (yes, all when we were on stage and Weijie was playing). So we had a mini tussle (hopefully not too obvious) on stage. And he was trying to get to all the wires lying on the stage and I was trying to restrain him quietly.. Argh !! 

Conclusion: kids performance is not as stressful for the kids as it is for the parents. Second, bring food or busy bags for such occasions. Else they can't last long in their seats. 


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