
Showing posts from July, 2016

My laborious journey

Baby was in right position and I had been feeling so achy for the last few weeks but still no signs of labour , except increasing braxton hicks (false contractions) at night .. I edged nearer and nearer towards the official due date and wonder when it would happen. Then, at 4am on 29 Jun, I got awakened by this really strong contraction. Sensing something different , I went to the toilet and saw the bloody show (which is not that bloody actually). Then I tried to time the contractions but they were not that near yet so I decided to wait and see. At 5am, I decided to have some breakfast in case I get hungry later. Contractions seemed to be nearer at 5-6minutes apart and increasing in intensity so I decided to head to hospital at about 6am. Upon reaching, they put us in the labour ward and I just lay there and wait. Unfortunately , dilation was only 0.5cm then so it does look like we have a long way to go. After laying there for around one hour plus with not much progress, I decided to s...

Outing to Bollywood vegetable farm

Don't ask me why it is named as Bollywood vegetable farm but I can see that Cayen is excited to go to the vegetable farm. However, the night before was a long one as he was dreaming and sleep talking for a long while before waking up to demand for food. And at 1.30am, he ate one slice of raisin bread, 2 bananas and 1 pack of strawberry milk while nursing a fever but he seemed quite fine with his big appetite. By morning, waking him up was quite tough given all the action at night. To make things worse, in his last episode of dream, Ah Po has taken away something from him and he woke up crying for it to be returned. No matter how we probed, he didn't say what the object was, he just kept saying "no" to all our suggestions. And if he weren't throwing up such a big crying fit, it was all quite funny because his dream must have been so real. His annoyance with Ah Po continued in the car ride in fact .. Haha. Poor maligned Ah Po. 

Misbehaviour continues

At home, Cayen is still oblivious to baby. While he is not eager to play with baby, he is quite possessive when friends visit the baby.  In the last one week, I have tried to get him to rock baby when baby cries , or tickle the baby's cheek to get him to drink milk and he has been quite cooperative which I took as a good sign . Unfortunately in school, his misbehaviour continues. Last week, he would push friends because he "didn't like them". And today, he just bit a friend as he was trying to block his friend. When asked why he bit, he told the teacher again that he "didn't like him".  Again, I think this downturn in behaviour is caused by the addition of a new family member.  Actually, I had earlier ordered some books from Amazon on managing his emotions etc and was quite cheesed that they were delayed for ten days and I couldn't use the stories earlier to try to teach the concepts to him in a more palatable fashion, especially since the incidents ...