My laborious journey
Baby was in right position and I had been feeling so achy for the last few weeks but still no signs of labour , except increasing braxton hicks (false contractions) at night .. I edged nearer and nearer towards the official due date and wonder when it would happen. Then, at 4am on 29 Jun, I got awakened by this really strong contraction. Sensing something different , I went to the toilet and saw the bloody show (which is not that bloody actually). Then I tried to time the contractions but they were not that near yet so I decided to wait and see. At 5am, I decided to have some breakfast in case I get hungry later. Contractions seemed to be nearer at 5-6minutes apart and increasing in intensity so I decided to head to hospital at about 6am. Upon reaching, they put us in the labour ward and I just lay there and wait. Unfortunately , dilation was only 0.5cm then so it does look like we have a long way to go. After laying there for around one hour plus with not much progress, I decided to s...