Outing to Bollywood vegetable farm
Don't ask me why it is named as Bollywood vegetable farm but I can see that Cayen is excited to go to the vegetable farm. However, the night before was a long one as he was dreaming and sleep talking for a long while before waking up to demand for food. And at 1.30am, he ate one slice of raisin bread, 2 bananas and 1 pack of strawberry milk while nursing a fever but he seemed quite fine with his big appetite.
By morning, waking him up was quite tough given all the action at night. To make things worse, in his last episode of dream, Ah Po has taken away something from him and he woke up crying for it to be returned. No matter how we probed, he didn't say what the object was, he just kept saying "no" to all our suggestions. And if he weren't throwing up such a big crying fit, it was all quite funny because his dream must have been so real. His annoyance with Ah Po continued in the car ride in fact .. Haha. Poor maligned Ah Po.
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