3 tips on losing weight after pregnancy

I've been getting queries on how I lost my weight so fast , and look even slimmer than before Cayson. Well , here's the not-so-secret secret. 

1. Don't put on so much weight in the pregnancy to start with 
1) For someone who's average weight before pregnancy, average weight gain is about 12-14kg. (Don't take number for what it is because you can afford more if you are underweight to start with). For my first baby Cayen, I put on 20+ kg, about 50% of my original weight. For the next four years, there was this remnant 5kg that I cannot shed so weight stayed at 58kg.  
2) For Cayson, I watched my diet and put on only 14kg or so. Now after 7 months, I'm at 52kg. So actually I also lost 20kg after childbirth, same as first time. But as I didn't put on so many kgs, the nett weight is a lot lower. 
Note that you should eat sufficiently and healthily during pregnancy , but case in point is that I overate in my first, thinking that I should be able to shed the weight thereafter. 

2. Watch the carbs and sugars 
1) I had cravings for bee hoon so I ate bee hoon for breakfast every day from Mon to Fri. And for lunch, I would have  fried chicken drumstick with three other dishes and rice regularly. High carbs! 
I would also drink some teh or coffee (from coffee shop) in the third trimester. High sugar!
2) I now have brown bread with tuna or egg for breakfast. Bee hoon is kept to once per fortnight. No more fried chicken for lunch. And Teh has to be less sugar if I buy from outside. I also make my own coffee so I can control the sugar, I put only one teaspoon. 

3) Pre-natal and post natal massage 
I did this for both pregnancies but I did it a lot more frequently in my second. I think it helps to reduce some water retention. 

That's actually all that I did. I didn't do any special exercise in the last 7 motmhs though I'm starting yoga for improving general health now. So that's it, 3 things that I did differently this pregnancy. 

58kg -> 72kg -> 52kg


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