Cayson is 19 months old

Cayson's key milestone this month was starting school. Now he has finally taken to school and his teachers (including the new one last week) and the auntie who dotes on him. He still doesn't like to take off his shoes at the checkpoint but that's about it. It's a little sad that his "best friend" has left but hopefully new friendships will be forged. 

Apparently, he likes to hide in books and corners, in boxes, enter prohibited areas, climb high and low, and purposely do the opposite of what's told in a teasing , charming way. He will also help his classmate if they fall down. Apparently he's the most active in class right now and can't sit still (but honestly this is expected of a 19 month old boy right?) so I'm not too bothered by this. 

At home, he continues to be very hardworking, fetching all our shoes for us when we are heading out. Perhaps he's scared we will sneak out without him unless he personally ensures that we get ready in his presence. 

He's very into dedicating songs for us to sing like our own baby shark rendition with Yiyi, Ah Zang, Ah Ma, Ah Gong , and Wheels of a bus, including assigning me or Cayen to sing specifically.

He has a voracious appetite and is currently 75% percentile. He eats and explores everything even things with strong flavours like Peranankan food, except things with mushy texture like kueh or sweet things like ice cream. His recent endeavour is red dates wrapped walnuts (??!) . 

He likes to say "go there", "out", "open" the door or the food wrapper. Think he learned counting in school already, he screamed excitedly "一” when he saw numbers on TV. I realised he knows "马”,horse, cat, dog, shark, bus.

He's still very attached to Cayen. If he's out of sight, he will be asking for him "Ah Yen, Ah Yen.." , and wants Cayen to hold his hand when we walk. 

When I reach home every day, he will point to the table and says, " Ah Ma, eat !" Here's my affectionate little boy for you. 


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