Cayson and his quirks at 2 years old
It’s very funny to hear a barely two year old shout “Wait” when we are walking too fast for him or he think we are leaving him behind , or “Quick!” when we are too slow.
I don’t recall he knows as many vocab as Cayen when he’s young but his comprehension of things and sentence making seems quite advanced. That day, teacher asked him for help to keep something as he’s usually helpful and obliging. But he said, “ No.” Surprised, teacher asked him why not. He replied, “ Bad Mood!” Teacher rolled over in laughter.
I didn’t know how or where he learned it from. But I suspected the dinosaur book as I read about the dinosaur being in a bad mood when he wakes up in the morning. But how did he even what bad mood is ? Beats me.
Other notable phases are: “my scooter”, “I like baby shark”, “I like Ah Saur (dinosaur)”, “thank you Ah Ma”, “I like this”.
And for such a small kid, he doesn’t like small things. If Ah Po cuts his apple into small bite sized pieces, he will fuss and refuse it because he wants “big one”. Doesn’t matter if he can’t quite sink his teeth into it but he just want everything to be big - big bowl of soup, big piece of fruit etc.
He is quite adventurous with most foods except for ice cream , cream and artificially sweetened foods. Amazing to see a baby relish all the “odd” vegetables like 丝瓜, celery, bamboo shoots. He loves all small round fruits like Ba Lu Gu , longan , lychee and grapes. He is even ok with durians.
Recently, our favourite evening game is Hide and Seek with the dinosaurs. So every night, we will take turns to hide the dinosaurs. I realised he know how to cover his eyes and count “8,9,10” before starting his hunt. It’s quite fun to see how they would try to hide the dinosaurs in unlikely places or positions just to outsmart one another. But Cayson sometimes still reveals the answers himself so he may not have completely realised that he can’t be the one to seek it if it’s his turn to hide. But it’s quite fun to play.
He’s the most polite kid I know. He will also says 谢谢阿妈,谢谢阿婆,谢谢阿爸 etc if we help him. He will also say “excuse me Ah Ma” if he wants to cross (though the pronounciation is a bit odd). He will also go and pat pat and consol Cayen if he’s crying or Anybody who seems to be in pain. His natural sense of empathy is very high in my opinion. Hence, he’s always the first to exclaim with great concern “Oh No!” if he sees something bad happen .. like something dropped etc. His expressiveness is super cute.
Recently, he’s into tapping his chin if he’s contemplating something. He will also add in “mmm..” for the sound effect.
He’s also starting to exert his will on many matters recently , for instance , choosing his own clothes. He refuses to wear most things we choose for him so I had to buy 5-6 Dino shirts in one go so that he’s not always wearing the same thing. When he’s home from school every day, he will take off his own clothes and go to his room to fetch his swimwear , and ask Ah Gong to bring him down.
He’s a real Daredevil, where he will not hesitate to try anything new. He’s also a natural sporty kid. He could skate scoot before 2 years old, and also dare to dive into the pool even though he doesn’t know how to swim yet. When I put him on the baby swing, he figured out on his own how to swing himself higher using his body.
He’s still very attached to Ah Pa and Ah Yen and would scan for them every few minutes. If they leave without him, he will be very upset .. “I want Ah Pa”, “ I want Ah Yen”.
He’s a very positive , jovial, sweet and cheeky kid, who shows great empathy to people around him. He will come hug you and pat you if you are crying or in pain. And he has brought so much joy to those around him. I wish him many more happy years ahead !
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