Saturday break

Cayen would go to the wet market every other day . But now that he is attending school, Saturdays would be the only day he could go.

However, for some strange reason, he was quite a terror this morning . He attempted to remove his shoes and went around wrecking havoc. Grandpa, usually the one with the highest patience threshold, also was rather annoyed.

The bad behaviour continued when Godma and I brought him to the musuem today. He would insist on roaming on his own (almost like he was liberated) without holding hands or insist on me carrying him only. It was so tiring that we had to adjourn at Food for Thought so that we could take a break.

There, he finally quietened down a little. When his plastic spoon dropped, as he was getting impatient again, I just passed me a big metal spoon. It was rather heavy as he needed two hands to hold it properly but he still wanted to use it. Strangely, he preferred that to the plastic spoon as he threw away the replacement plastic spoon and asked for the metal one. 

I don't know what came into him .. I had thought school would instill some discipline or perhaps he is too traumatised by the changes this week that he is much fussier, stickier and more insistent in his ways this weekend. Hope tomorrow will be better and maybe it's time to research if this is normal behaviour during times of change. 

P.s. Thanks Godma for the pyjamas . It's printed with his two loves .. Bus and clouds!


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