How many cups are required to make a cup of coffee?

What triggered my renewed energy in wanting to take a more active role in promoting environmentalism & resource conservation started with a simple conversation with friend.

"Have you seen a person who needs 3 cups to make a cup of instant coffee?" 

I can't even imagine how. Well, this is how it goes: 

1. Put the creamer in one cup, add water.
2. Put the sugar in one cup, add water.
3. Put the coffee in one cup, add water. Combine the 1st and 2nd cup with the 3rd. 

Well, I guess no one does it like that at home, if you need to wash the cup yourself. But in this case, the cups can be left there for someone else to wash and I guess that's the reason why this practice continues. It is also a big waste of water & effort to wash three cups instead of one. 

Next, we also observed that for some people, washing a tea spoon can take about 2 minutes .. a large part of it with water running non stop. 


1. Some people waste because they can at no consequence. If you are a little more considerate that someone is picking up after you, perhaps you may not want to do it. 

2. As we let taps run for every long to wash a tiny amount of things, or take very long baths, or leave a toilet with faulty taps without trying to contact someone for help, let's consider how precious water is for so many people in the rest of the world. And even just as recent as 2 months ago, our trees and plants were browning and dying due to lack of water. 

3. You can actually reduce your water bills while you have an heightened awareness of water wastage scenarios. 

4. On a related note, we can also make a difference by using the dryer or 1 piece of tissue/serviette after washing our hands. I have seen many people taking 4 pieces of paper just to wipe their hands. I often wonder how big their hands can be. 


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