This is dedicated to my dear friends who are expecting their bundle of joy very soon. Being a hassle-free type of mother who needs to go back to work after maternity leave, and also one who likes a good bargain, these are the things I personally find very useful, practical & cost saving. 1. A good breastfeeding pillow - my Brestfriend For some strange reason, I didn't see the need to invest in this initially. But this has to be the top 1 or 2 items I cannot live without during the first few months. No matter how I positioned the normal pillows, I just couldn't get the right positioning without straining my shoulders/ back. So yes, this is first on the list. Anyway, if your milk production is low, try papaya with fish soup and remember to drink lots of water. If all else fails, you still can try to take some herbal medicine before resorting to Formula Milk. This herbal supplement improved production by 30-50%. I only took it when baby was having gr...
I have received some questions on some of the products and its intended usage. So here's a quick summary on what they are per my research. (By the way, i am no doctor. This is based on what I gathered from Dr Google..haha): 1. What is Propolis? Propolis is a resinous mixture that honey bees collect from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources. It is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive . Propolis is used for small gaps, while larger spaces are usually filled with beeswax . According to this site , Propolis has a long history of medicinal use, dating back to 350 B.C., the time of Aristotle. Greeks have used propolis for abscesses; Assyrians have used it for healing wounds and tumors; and Egyptians have used it for mummification. It still has many medicinal uses today, although its effectiveness has only been shown for a couple of them. Propolis seems to have activity ...
We went for curriculum updates last week for Cayson and the week before for Cayen. Bumped into the English teacher who told me that Cayen eats his lunch very well including vegetables (doesn't sound like him at all). She also mentioned that Cayen likes to test boundary. Recent case in point , teacher would ask the children to not talk in the toilet as it could be noisy for the children in the adjacent classroom. As he wasn't allowed to talk, he purposely started singing instead. Then our discussion was cut short and I wondered how the teacher responded to his singing eventually. Nonetheless , this is one of the many instances where Cayen would not do things the conventional way. In Cantonese, I might even call him "Seng Mok" (savvy). For instance , previously , he was spotted sipping lime cordial juice on a plate -he has helped himself at the dispenser without my knowledge . One would have usually told him off but I decided to ask him why he did that. He said that he...
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