First full day in school
I was worried for this little boy who would get upset if Ah Po were to be a little late to pick him up after lunch.
So for the last one week, I had been drilling into him the following routine ..and he knew all the answers by heart now..
- 吃完午餐要做什么 ? 睡觉
- 睡觉起来要做什么 ? 吃果果
- 吃果果后要做什么? 玩耍..玩游戏..玩煮饭
- 玩耍以后要做什么? 阿婆带我回家..
* though for a while he was confused about 玩耍and 玩刷牙. Cox 玩耍 is a new word.
Anyway, today, I was so worried that he would cry himself to sleep or something. However, I was so relieved to know that he was asleep by the time I called at 1.30pm to check. In fact, I read from the notes that he didn't cry at all and even took a second helping of tea.
So proud of you baby .. 长大了!
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