Chinese New Year 2015

This year, Cayen is a little older. As such, I figured the new year routine should be a breeze compared to last year but I guess I couldn't be more wrong. 

On the eve, I took out the bee pyjamas I bought for him , thinking he would like it but he didn't . He only kept it on for five minutes. Not sure if it's because the material is a little thicker than normal but he didn't take to it. He stayed up till midnight so he could see his favourite fireworks. 

For New Year's Day, I had bought him some new shirts online but they turned out to be a little oversized but thankfully I had some other new shirts as standby. I thought I had bought him another Gap shirt but I must have accidentally missed it out  during the purchase. In any case, I didn't have to worry too much about new clothes because he promptly refused to wear all the clothes I have picked out. He chose his old red crab t shirt and pink pants and would wear only that. Racing against time, we could only proceed with that. Occasionally, he would remind us that his crab has two legs missing and when questioned on their whereabouts, he would say he had eaten them up. Anyway, as he was up at 7 am plus though he had a new year special of staying up the previous night, he didn't last long. He fell asleep in the car ride and ended up sleeping for half the visit - exactly same as the previous year. Thankfully we stayed long enough so he did wake up to play a little with Jiaqi. Everyone had thought that Jiaqi is very playful and meddlesome (geik) but once they saw him in action, they all agreed unanimously that he was clearly the winner.

And despite the prior days training of saying 谢谢 and 恭喜发财. He flatly said no to all the ang pows. Everyone had to pass the angpows to me as they were all refused by him. He told me he didn't want to "exchange" oranges (I think he don't mind receiving) and he doesn't like a lot of people. Well I guess I can't blame him, I counted about 48 people in the living room (and not everyone is present) in my big extended family .. He's probably a little blown away by the crowd. Nonetheless, that uneasiness didn't stop him from peeling a little Kumquat. After he sank his nails into one and started eating, then I realised it's part of some auspicious formation on the table! Oops. I quickly ran to own up to the family and apologised for eating their arrangement. I sure hope we didn't alter their luck in any way. 

The next day was a chillax day as we didn't line up anything much since all the family gatherings were done on day 1 and friends gathering would commence on day 3 n 4. So we went to the movies to watch some God of Gambler show and by night the Mahjong show with my parents. 

Day 3 was action packed as we covered 4 visits in a day, pretty much whole of Singapore as the locations were scattered. We did 3 visitings that included a baby shower too. While it was fun to catch up, it was also tiring to  helicopter around Cayen to ensure he's not pushing over some drinks or some ornaments. Well, for the record , he spilt a drink, tipped over an aroma diffuser, pour Ribena into a cup of Playdoh and attempted to push over a cone looking lamp. Thankfully, he was not in a combative mood for most of it as he was playing with girls rather than boys. 

Well, I was glad I managed to take some time off work and focused on being there. 


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