Unusual bedtime stories - the dust

As usual, Cayen was meddling around the table instead of sleeping. He touched this ornamental cat and I warned him not to as that has dust . He asked me why there is dust .. And here my story goes : (resorted to spinning stories instead of reading the same story books)

Once upon a time, there was an empty house with nobody. One day, a speck of dust flew in. He saw no one and was happy. 

He said , " Yeah !!! The house is empty. There's no one to wipe me, mop me or sweep me away! Yeah !! I will stay here."

On day 2, another speck of dust flew in and he was so happy to see an empty house and a fellow dust. 

He said , " Yeah !!! The house is empty. There's no one to wipe me, mop me or sweep me away! Yeah !! I will stay here."

On day 3,  another speck of dust flew in and he was so happy to see an empty house and fellow dust. 

He said , " Yeah !!! The house is empty. There's no one to wipe me, mop me or sweep me away! Yeah !! I will stay here."

Then on Day 10, ... another dust came ..(repeat the dust speech) 
Then on Day 100, ... another dust came..(repeat the dust speech) 
Then on Day 1000, another dust came ..
 (repeat the dust speech) 
And the house was full of dust.

Then one day, Cayen came into the house and he opened the door! The air gushed in and blew all the dust into his face. "Ah..Ah .. Ah Choo !!!" He sneezed as the dust went into his nose! 

Cayen decided to take out his vacuum cleaner to suck up all the dust. He wiped, mopped and washed all the dust away ! And he wouldn't sneeze anymore. 

End of story. 

Cayen was super pleased with the story. He asked for encore. And so I repeated the story again. And again. 

And I silently congratulated myself for spinning such a successful tale. It blended his favourite activities of wiping, mopping and sweeping. And it also incorporated the characteristic Ah Choo sneeze featured in another book. 

Then, he suddenly sneezed two times. And he asked me why. I said perhaps his toys were dusty since they trapped dust.

He contemplated . Suddenly , he stood up and said "I don't want dust ! I want to
Vacuum !"

I was horrified. 

I had to think on the spot. We can't be vacuuming at 11pm. So I demonstrated to him how we can clear the dust on the toy by giving it a pat and a shake with our hands. I demonstrated on two toys and he seemed pacified by the outcome. Thank goodness.

Moral of the story: spinning creative tales are fine but be careful about planting ideas at the wrong timing! 


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