Make Money Work Harder (MMWH)- The ultimate success formula

I have spent around 46 hours last week in a very intense state .. of training.

I signed up for the training because I wanted to have a structured plan of wealth creation and management .. I wanted to understand it myself and potentially do it myself instead of relying on others I.e by buying endowment plans or unit trusts. And to be able to have better winning outcomes, I decided to upgrade my skills through a structured course.

What I didn't expect to also get is an important refresher course on NLP (neuro  linguistic programming) that also helps one find success for things in life in general . Unsurprising , the concept is not complex . In fact , you will see that it's all so familiar and seemingly no brainer. However, what differentiates the one who made it versus the one who don't is really who can execute the entire routine without giving up no matter what. 

So what's the ultimate success formula in a nutshell that I have gathered .. 

1) Mindset 
You gotta have the mindset that you can do it ! Cox if you think you can, you can. 

2) Goal 
Set a goal on WHAT you want in life. If you don't want want you want, how do you even get there? Most of us say we don't know what we want, but we know what we don't want. However, by elimination, there's still no precise goal that you are aiming for, so you will not get 

3) Strategy 
Once you have a goal, you need to know HOW to get there. You need to plan your way to getting there. And the easiest and fastest way is to model someone who has been there, done that. 

4) Action 
Execution is so important . You can have the best strategy but you'll get nothing until you act on it. 

Sounds simple enough ? Well , it seems quite intuitive to me but if it's so easy , why don't everyone succeed ? 

Well, many people give up at the Action stage when they fail, especially if the failure is a huge one and one cannot recover. However, interestingly, most successful people all went through a big dip in their lives before they reached the peak of their life .. For instance, Steve Jobs had to suffer the blow of being kicked out by his own company. If you can emerge stronger and better after the test, you will be able to graduate with success. 

Still, some resilient ones may still try many times but still don't make it. Why?

It's because they may not be flexible enough to modify and tweak their strategy if it didn't work. If we keep doing things the same way, we get the same outcomes. As such, actioning alone is not enough. It's also having the feedback mechanism to constantly improve on the strategy so that we get nearer to the goal. 

So overall, apart from picking up some important investing concepts, I also had an important refresher of managing life in general and meeting like minded individuals at the course. 

Also, by learning and sharpening my skills, I feel like I am empowering myself with the knowledge to get nearer to whatever goal I will set for myself and doing something for myself.  

- continuous training and upgrading is important . Always invest in yourself (before that Chanel or gadget) 
- follow the success formula ! 


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