Bedtime reading - picture dictionary

After watching Paw Patrol and Blaze and the monster machines, he's very into volcanos and machinery. So he was all ears when I went through those pages in the picture dictionary and that was a good start.

Today , I tried to educate him about the gemstones. But this was not easy as he kept calling them rocks and how he's going to crush them using jack hammer and drill. Focus was not on the colours but all about the crushing. So I kept repeating "gemstones or crystals" Then he suddenly asked ," gem as in Kaya and Jam?? "

We said , "no, gem as in gem. Not Jam."

Then I tried to educate him , "diamond is the hardest material on earth . It takes a diamond to cut a diamond"

Cayen asked, " a diamond to cut a diamond? Why? Can't I use a jack hammer and a drill?" 

I told him that a diamond is the hardest and you can't cut a hard object with something softer.

Da quipped on the side, " I think can crush with jackhammer, just cannot cut. "

I was not sure. "Maybe we should google it. "

Then Da added again, "your book is old."


"There are harder materials than diamonds now. The book is outdated." Da said. 

"Erm, then I'm the one that's outdated Cox the book never say " This is because I had just spin stuff from the pictures / words I see so I'm the outdated one. 

Hmm, teaching kids is tough. I realised that I have forgotten much of the stuff I used to know. 

That day, we were rolling down two different sized balls down the slope, and I thought it's an interesting thing to teach them something scientific . And I realise that I was not sure if both balls roll down at the same speed or not. Although I was quite sure if both balls are dropped from same height, both reaches the ground at the same time. I tried to google the former but got conflicting answers. 

Goodness, can't imagine I got A for physics last time. 


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