Cayson is 15 months !
At the grand age of 15 months old, he's already running and climbing up the beds and chairs. He also has no problem balancing on the skate scooter. I can see him skating really soon. On the slide, he's fearless and just zoom down without support.
He can signal the drinking sign to indicate that he wants to drink his milk and put his finger in his mouth to signal that he wants to brush his teeth. For all other things, he would point and make a "Er er" sound. So it's quite easy to understand what he wants. When he wakes up in the morning, he would point to the TV and says "okto okto" to ask us to turn it on.
From a food perspective, he's like a bottomless pit. He can eat every two hours. Now apart from eating anything that we give to him, he's getting more discerning. Plain bread doesn't interest him much, but tastier breads/cakes do. He is able to feed himself with hands and with a spoon with some guidance.
For his lack of verbal words, he does make up for his sound understanding of what goes on. Whenever he hears he's going out, he would go to his room and take out his outdoor clothes. And he would go and pick out his shoes and try to wear them. Now he takes it up one notch, he would help pick up Ah Pa and Cayen's shoes for them too. Good service indeed! And he will get really upset when he realises that he's not coming out with us. So now we need to bring him down with us and we part ways on the ground floor.
He's quite a dancing virus too. Every time the TV commercial comes up with dancing music or whenever Cayen sings, he will break out into a dance. Very funny to see him wiggle his fatty bum bum .
Lastly , he's a real friendly boy. Every time he sees a familiar face, he will do his signature wave. Hope he continues to be so friendly going forward.
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