Cayson is 17 months old
With a trip in between, this month really flew past. Cayson took his first flight to Hong Kong and I guess he passed with flying colours .. well , for most of the flight.
He seemed to have understood the concept of flying , as we watched so many airplanes take off while being delayed at the HK airport. And now one of his favourite books involves an airplane flying higher and higher. Earlier tonight, whilst standing at the balcony, he shrieked when he saw a plane take off into the dark sky. When asked if he wants to take a plane again, his little head would nod furiously.
This month, we discovered that he's quite a vegetable eater. He devours and repeatedly asks for extra servings of vegetables from long beans to 丝瓜 and celery. Strangely, he would refer to them as "ba" (hokkien for meat). Well, as long as he likes and eats his greens, he can call them whatever he wants.
Also, this month, we were amused by his Hokkien prowess. Ah Po was just mentioning in Hokkien to Ah Gong that he was eating so messily that his head/hair had food. Cayson immediately touched his head/hair in response.
He's also super observant, whenever Ah Po wore her bedroom slippers and walked towards the front door, he would shriek for her to change into outdoor shoes.
That day we found more baby books tucked away in a box and so I started reading the new series. Unlike Cayen who was adverse to new books when he was at the same age, Cayson was very happy with an increased reportoire.
Now his favourite books involve a book with vehicles (many cars and a limo he referred to as "bus"), a book with yawning animals (and he would mimic a yawn too), and a pull out book where different animals would peek a boo at various corners. He was quite fine with the "I love you mummy" book too. On the bear hunt book, he started to say "Oh Oh!!" on cue when I arrived on those paragraphs. Very cute indeed !
Finally, he has discovered this new habit of throwing things. . And best of all, he would make a "bam" , "biong" or "paa!!" sound everytime he crashes something or throw something, almost in a triumphant manner. Goodness I hate that phase.
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