P4 - 10th Jan

After his Covid vaccination on Saturday, I was concerned about him forgetting and inadvertently running or participating in strenuous activities in school. So I reminded Ah Pa to remind teacher as he has PE lessons soon. 

However, we understand from Chinese teacher that Cayen was very on the ball and had promptly informed the teacher of his condition and that he cannot exercise in the next two weeks. Teacher however told him to tell the PE teacher instead. I cannot tell if he’s responsible or trying to just skive and relax as a result of that. 

Anyway, his canteen food today was chicken rice, egg and egg sandwich today. Again it’s because the queue was the shortest. I asked if he could walk faster so he could try other food but he said it was not possible as one teacher would lead them to their designated seat and another would release them into the queues. At the rate he’s going, I reckon he might be eating chicken rice forever. 

Today his only friend was playing with another in the bus so he had no chance to talk to her. Still zero friend in class yet. 

They reshuffled seats in class today and he changed from fifth row to first row. Now he could see again. 

Anyway back to Covid vaccination, while I was quite fine and cool with taking adult vaccinations , I was not sure if we should let the kids take it so early or we should take a wait and see approach. Nonetheless, with Omnicron raging globally right after Delta, eventually we did enrol Cayen and in my mind , here’s the considerations:

- Unclear if the long term effects of the vaccine (it’s a known-unknown) especially on children but chances of adverse effects should be lower from vacinnation than getting Covid from articles I read in Nov/ Dec 21 from countries who started kids vaccination already. 

- From article in Singapore today, it seemed to further make some of the Covid risks for younger people a known-known. 

“The incidence of myocarditis is about one in a million doses. However, among individuals aged 12 to 17 infected with COVID-19, the incidence of myocarditis is about 450 per million infections, said Mr Ong. “https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/covid-19-medical-bills-children-covered-government-vaccination-status-ong-ye-kung-2424876

- Read also about the increased risk of diabetes for children with Covid too, another known-known. https://www.forbes.com/sites/masonbissada/2022/01/07/children-with-covid-face-increased-risk-of-diabetes-cdc-finds/?utm_campaign=forbes&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_term=Gordie&fbclid=IwAR1PTCRrFbCknMIjMbE89MLQD3-ujbHkEPwrLTJzsHgSic9sssewP3quSn4&sh=25bb8e323875

There’s probably more unknown-unknowns that we still don’t know as of now. But with all the constant mutations and with all available scientific facts on hand, guess that’s the best call we can make for now. Fingers crossed that all goes well for both Cayen and Cayson and my upcoming booster shot. 


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