Punishment in school

Cayen has been very naughty in school of late.

Yesterday, when the class went to the toilet, he sneakily stayed behind when they all returned to the classroom. When they found him, he was playing with water. 

Today, the issue was bigger. There was some paints and stuff in the classroom. So he hid in one corner and squeezed all the tubes of paints onto the floor and all over himself.

When the teachers found him, they also found a big mess of blue all over. Think they had to scrub a lot to get all the stains off. Cayen's uniform was completely soiled too. 

I think he was asked to stand in a naughty corner for doing all these. Apparently , his chinese teacher was so crossed with his bad behaviour , she told him she will ignore him. Upon hearing, he burst into tears, crying so uncontrollably that the principal had asked the teacher why she let him cry till it's so bad. The teacher said that he needed to know that he has done wrong, I tend to agree. Cayen tends to push the limit nowadays, the boundary has to be clear.

Anyway, on a positive note, I think the art excursion that they went on last Thursday should be quite successful. The concept then was that the kids can draw freely on the floor (lined with papers) and be creative. I think it might have worked too well , judging by the latest spectacle.


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