Singlish and other sentences

Alamak : an act of exclamation ..Sometimes with exasperation
That day he messed up the alphabets tiles at night and it was all in a messy pile. When he woke up the next morning to see that pile, he exclaimed "Alamak!"

Whoa: to express an unexpected movement
When ah Pa drives over a hump, cayen will say Whoa , just like how I usually do.

"Oh oh !"
when something drops to the floor ..for example food, spoon and forks etc

When telling the baby inside the deep pool to come on over to the baby pool where he is.

"One only"
I'm really surprised he knows how to use "only" ..

"Ah pa, one more time .. Swim again"
When requesting ah pa to swing him around in the pool ...

"Bo (don't have in hokkien).. Missing !
When describing that something or someone is missing or not around.

"Ah Yen Waiting"
He seems to know when to add "ing" to certain Words.

"Mai3 (don't want in Hokkien), go!"
When he don't want someone to be around him , he will ask that person to go.

"Ah Ma4 cooking"
When grandma is cooking

"Pizza, yummy!"
We didn't even ask him if it's yummy. He's so satisfied he exclaimed this after taking a few bites..

"Where are you?"
He says this in a sing song manner when he's trying to find something

He will say this whenever he sees chinese characters or anything that resembles it (like Korean and Japanese). This is the name of a book of chinese rhymes for children.

"在这里”, ”在那里” , ”这边”, ”那边” , "左边”,”右边”
I think school must be doing a good job, I don't recall teaching him this. Or it Might be the song that goes "手在哪里...”

"Let it go"
When I first heard it, I was a bit peeved. Could the school have let him wAtched Frozen in school? Then again, maybe this is their concert performance item ?

Today , he surprised me a with "hyena". 
That was something that I was reading to him since a few days ago. He never fails to surprise me.

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