Hassle free ways to keep kids entertained at home

1. Tools : measuring tape

Teach him inches and cm. Ask him to measure everything, from furniture to his grandfather's waist. 

Time burn : 15-20min 

Once he's tired of the above, turn the tape into a jump rope , ask him to jump/step over it or crawl under it. 

Time burn : 10-15min (can lengthen by 10min if various adults participate too) 

2. Tools: Empty coconut 

After drinking the sweet juice from the coconut, you can scrap out the flesh and use it for an ashtray (at least that's what my father was thinking of) or use it as a canvas for him to decorate.

Time burn: 30 minutes because it's not so easy to scribble on a round and rough surface , especially when it's still wet . 

3. Tools: Magnets 

Just let him create whatever he wants. 

Time burn: 30-40 minutes

To increase time burn, ask him to build different lego blocks on the magnets. Then simulate earthquake by shuffling the magnets (plates). Let the buildings collapse and ask him to rebuild again.

You can continue with a tsunami and some rescue operations once he gets tired of earthquakes. 


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