Mystery of the Bananas

Read this article online about the banana slicer and remembered about our own spectacle at home.

Usually, after we buy our bananas, the entire bunch would be hung on the fridge door for easy access. 

That day,I saw one banana on the floor. I asked my mum why it was like that. She said perhaps the cats did it. 

I was puzzled but since no one saw, I just ignored it. 

Then, a few hours later, I saw two bananas on the floor , where part of it was peeled already. I was rather annoyed by the waste. I then went to take a plate to see if I could salvage any part of it .

Just I was brooding, suddenly I saw one more banana peel itself from the bunch realtime. I was shocked ! I quickly extended my hands to catch it before it hits the ground again.  Thankfully, my reflexes were trained from young (困难球) during basketball training and I managed to catch.

Moral of story: 
- don't blame everything on the cats 
- big bananas are heavy and when very ripe, can peel itself with a bit of help from gravity. Hence, put them on the table to be safe. 



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