The scare
I was having lunch with a friend when I suddenly saw a missed call and a Watsapp message "SOS". My heart dropped and when I called back Da, I was told that he had called an ambulance and he's on his way home. He didn't know much details as he had also just received the call for help from my mum.
" Did he fall ? Was there blood ? Did he knock his head?" All these thoughts started to fly through the head. I feared the worst. I quickly grabbed my bag and rushed down to hospital. Then I decided to call my mum to find out what's the issue.
Apparently my dad was carrying Cayson while she's at the supermarket and as Cayson was squirming away, he twisted his body along in order not to drop him, and then he experienced a sharp pain in his stomach. He drove all of them home and the pain became worse and worse. It spread to his legs and he was in such great pain he asked my mum to cal for ambulance. For a person who greatly disliked doctors and hospitals, the pain must have been excruciating.
As only one person was allowed in the emergency room, so I camped out and started to make calls to check on his existing insurance coverage etc.
I was getting only intermittent updates as the reception inside the Emergency Room was real bad. When the younger doctor saw him, he advised that it's probably weak muscles due to old age. Hence, if there's use of too much strength or cough, this could happen. He consulted the more senior doctor for an opinion , he advised an X ray to be sure. He also advised a review by surgeon too since surgery might be needed. My dad's face crumbled at the sound of this - this is sounding too serious.
The X ray and the follow up review by doctor took another 1-2 hours. But thankfully , the X ray came back all clear and doctor said that he could go home and just monitor from there. My dad was super relieved - with his improved spirits, he actually went and chatted with his fellow patients and asked if the food was tasty.
We went home and my mum was sharing about how the day already started wrong, how Cayson dropped his shoe (only to find eventually that it dropped in the car before he even went to the supermarket. And how she always went onto the escalator the wrong way (the wrong direction) but managed to catch herself last minute.
And midway across dinner, Da swallowed a fish bone accidentally and my sister (who came visit) slipped while carrying Cayson (she went down hard as she's trying to avoid Cayson hitting the floor).
Key takeaways from this incident :
- One should turn up the volume of Handphone , else missed calls can be a big issue if it's a call for help .
- One should carry Handphone even if going to supermarket and the other person is just nearby. Perhaps the incident could have been averted if my dad could contact my mum when he's having issues with Cayson.
- When in pain, do not drive . My dad still drove home as it was short distance.
- When using the escalator, always hold the railing and always check the direction !
- On an unlucky day like this, do not order takeaway involving things like fish bones. You can actually choke.
- 10 kg babies can be dangerous .. handle with care.
The next day, I went for Recuperative yoga . The theme is Appreciation. Quotable quotes that are very timely ..
- appreciate that you have a healthy body , appreciate that you have two hands, legs , eyes etc
- appreciate your family , your work etc
- thank you for investing in your health by coming to practise .. Health is Wealth
Cannot agree more.
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