First day of new school

Yesterday , he watched two hours of cartoon on Nic Junior (special concession) and after that, was acting like the Patrol dog in the show. This unexpectedly became a real good thing cox he suddenly became very obedient and helpful. He also understood from that cartoon and the Blaze cartoon that friends need to help one another. So for once, he thought he should make some friends in the new school.

And yesterday, we didn't force him to take an afternoon nap because that's a perennial weekend struggle. We just let him be. We baked bread together and he just pretended to be a helpful abiding patrol dog the whole afternoon. By night, for the first time in a long time, he managed to sleep at 9.30pm since he has had no nap. 

By the next morning, he still wasn't quite able to wake at 7.30am. However, he did all things perfectly when I said that's what a good patrol dog will do I.e. Drink his milk fast, brush teeth himself (no YouTube!) , change, put on shoes, take photos, press the "down" button on lift instead of both buttons. He also can answered correctly the names of his new English and Chinese teacher and his school. 

So far so good. 

We went to school and arrived at his class where a few girls were having cereal breakfast. He wanted to hide again but the teacher was very energetic and encouraging and tried to show him around. When he reached the toilet, he was happy to press the dispenser for some soap , wash his hands and dry his hands with the napkin. Teacher asked him to bin it but strangely he turned and ran to the toilet bowl , threw the napkin in and giggled gleefully. Think this must be one of his usual antics in Mindchamps so for a moment , he was his usual self. 

After we left the toilet, he was back to his uncomfortable mode. But the teacher skilfully scooped him up (or did he run into her arms?) and tried to make him feel at home. At this juncture, we left quietly and wished him all the best. 

Post Mortem at the end of day 

Brownie points: 
- never cry or ask to go home 
- finished his food including vegetables 
- napped accordingly 
- got along with teachers 

Room for improvement:
- scratch a classmate when he sat near him 
- push a classmate when queuing 
- didn't make friends of his classmates 
- wandered around a bit during lessons but eventually sat down  

Overall, borderline pass ... Let's try again tomorrow. 

Morning - First day of school (bright and chirpy due to sufficient sleep) 


Day before - he was really happy to bake. He hugged my legs and said "thank you ah Ma!" so affectionately that I was quite surprised. He really enjoyed the process. And he walloped up a lot of the bread thereafter. 


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