Week 3 Day 5 - Cayen vs everyone else

Fri morning, he had a nightmare so he was up screaming at 6am plus. Unfortunately, I had to go to office earlier so I couldn't do my usual routine. And he had cried loudly when he heard we left the house. 

By end of day, we got a picture from school. It showed his classmates all staring at him because he refused to share his toys. 

Apparently , Chinese teacher tried to counsel him to no avail, so she had to ask them to move to another corner to play.

At night, we came home to counsel him. We asked him why he did that, and wasn't he afraid to be surrounded by so many other kids? 

Cayen replied, "我围着其他小朋友...不是其他小朋友围着我" 

Anyway, not sure what came over him again since he was happily playing with everyone for the last few days .. Not sure if the lack of sufficient sleep affects his behaviour that day but lots of work still needed on his sharing skills..


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