Week 2 day 2
Updates from teachers nowadays is a bit like the stock market now, volatile and not for the faint hearted. Sometimes, I feel all these short tales are like novel material .
As I was in a meeting .. This alert came in:
"Hi Mummy, today Cayen still misbehaved. He likes to open the taps in the toilet and let the water overflow. So I moved him out from the class and talked to him firmly. I told him if he does that again, then he won't be able to join her friends. He will be staying in the office.
Next time he went, he was fast and didn't stay long. I was secretly watching him. He returned to class and told me that he didn't play with water. We both praised him and I gave him a stamp for doing that. So we will try to have consequences in his misbehaviour and see if it will work out. Will try to be more firm with him and follow through what we say so he knows we are serious and mean what we say. This might help to encourage good behaviour. Will keep you updated. Have a good night. Thanks."
Instead of just apologising, I thought carefully of what we can do at home to supplement , so this is my response.
"Yes, at home, we used to have reward system at home: he has sticker book for good behaviour and sticker is removed for naughty behaviour. We will resurrect that too.
Thanks for both your patience with him. Hope we can correct his bad behaviour soon."
When he got off from school,
C: 我今天不乖
Ah gong: 你是不是打人?
C: 怎么可能?(using a loud and incredulous tone)
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