Recycling paper

Teacher informed us that it's his classmate's birthday today. So yesterday I asked him to make a card and he obliged. 

As I had a conference call from 8pm onwards,  I didn't realise the issue after he had completed his work and shown me proudly. I noted he had made extra effort to colour inside the shape. 


Well, issue was that he had drawn on the back of my bank statement. You see, as part of being environmentally friendly , usually I will give Cayen scrap paper to use for his drawings at home. So he's very used to going to the scrap paper box (usually comprising of bank statements or advertisements) to pick a piece to draw or write on.

When I told him that when we make a card, we needed to use a fresh piece of paper , he looked a bit disapppointed. So I tried to think of another way , which was to cut the original drawing into separate pieces and paste on a fresh piece of paper so he could still give it to Val. 

When we were in the car, there's another issue. He said,"why is it dirty here?" He mentioned that was not there last night. I told him I might have accidentally dirtied it when I placed his bag on it as a paperweight. So I took it as a teaching moment, and told him that we could shift the stickers around and paste on the flaw to cover it. So everytime we have problems, we find a way to solve it. 

Nonetheless , despite the incident , I am so proud that he has picked up my good recycling traits ! Keep it up ! Earth needs you and your generation to do your part. 


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